Omg thank you so much this is exactly what the player community wanted! You can see that this update is what we wanted just by looking at our comments!
That was so sarcastic it was painful to write.
Lol i just read through 3 pages of this thread and did not see one positive comment regarding the Squeal of Fortune. It sucks though because Jagex is completely allowed to do updates like this because c'mon now, no one is going to cancel their membership over this. -.-
Who would have thought jagex would raise membership price, and then proceed to make less content for it. was the only reason you increased the membership to make it possible to have weekly SOF updates? i wouldnt be surprised.
Aah! This is a REALLY great uptade; I really like that ´converting to coins´ thing! I really hope you will change it a tiny bit, so I could on my f2p accounts convert the member items I get into coins. Makes me feel kind of bad, when I discard all those medium lamps and miscellaniolous stuff!
Also, I´m really glad for the double money uptade; came a bit late, for my part, as I won the 200 M prize a few weeks before this uptade!
Keep up the good work !