Mod Timo, while your trolling does incite rage in me, and I use a picture of your face for target practice on the shooting range, you did ask for suggestions on how to improve the SoF, so here goes:
Suggestion#1: Remove buyable spins. Then you are free to do whatever the hell you want, because player's wealth in real life will no longer give them an advantage in-game.
Suggestion#2: Keep the buyable spins, but remove all XP lamps, tradeable items, coins, and combat equipment (including the "Lucky" items) from the SoF. Replace it all with cosmetic items, titles, emotes, and "fun" items (like water balloons, beachballs, etc.). Have equippable cosmetics as the more common rewards, as overlays such as those from Solomon's as the rarer rewards. Add different amounts of RuneCoins as prizes on the wheel, since the Solomon store is going to remain purely cosmetic (as you claim). With this suggestion, players buying spins will no longer gain an in-game advantage, but you can keep doing these stupid weekly updates to convince players to continue spending their money. Heck, I might even buy some spins if this were done. I already spend money in the Solomon shop. But as long as the SoF remains an in-game advantage I will never touch it, because I, unlike you Mod Timo, have morals.
By the way, the fish masks? That is the absolute most disgusting, underhanded, dirtiest trick I have ever witnessed you pull. And I have been loyally playing this game for 11 years. You disgust me.
20-Aug-2012 22:30:45