
SoF: Double Cash!

Quick find code: 294-295-57-63942746

Nov Member 2013


Posts: 548 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Note that JaGex moderators never post on SoF-related threads. Cowards.
Edit: Page 23. That could possibly be the sole exception.
You can't read this signature. It's written in invisible inque.

14-Aug-2012 18:53:09 - Last edited on 14-Aug-2012 18:55:34 by Inque

Jun Member 2023


Posts: 294 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yeah, they don't post unless they see a little bit of positive feedback and reply to that. There almost never is, so they should just LISTEN to the negative feedback and remove the ability to buy spins.

14-Aug-2012 18:58:39

Mod Timo

Mod Timo

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
I like how jagex mods post comments in here but ignore the overwhelming hatred towards these half-donkeyd squeal updates..
Note that JaGex moderators never post on SoF-related threads. Cowards.
Well, here I am. If you ask me questions, I will endeavour to get answers for you.
We have currently no intention of removing either SoF or Solomon's Store from the game. What we would really like to hear is any ideas you have on how to improve either system, questions about their functionality and/or suggestions about content that could be added.
You are of course, welcome to raise and highlight your 'overwhelming hatred' to me, but as neither system will be removed at this time, I cannot give you the answer you desire.

14-Aug-2012 19:02:10

Dat Adze
Sep Member 2022

Dat Adze

Posts: 1,008 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
No. Just......... No. We need less coins in the game, not more. There's a reason coins are worth 1/5 what they were before Bounty Hunter. And a word of advice, if you have to update SoF because IVP is twisting your arm, just give it to us a bit at a time. All the rapid-fire updates and endless promotions of what was already the most controversial (I would say hated if it wasn't for that completely fake statistic from MMG) update in the HISTORY of RuneScape is what's really annoying everyone. What would be best is if you just got rid of lamps and replaced them with skill pendants, removed buyable spins, reverse the coin conversion update and focused your SoF developer time into Solomon since that at least is only cosmetic stuff.
EDIT: Please take into consideration what I've said. I can see there is a mod actively reading/posting on this forum right now.

14-Aug-2012 19:04:16 - Last edited on 14-Aug-2012 19:06:02 by Dat Adze



Posts: 5,461 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
somebody send that goblin back to lumbridge so new players (or should I say, bots?) can kill him and we can be rid of him forever.
I believe I speak for alot of players when I say: We don't care.
-Ascertes, Final King of Hallowvale.
-Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

14-Aug-2012 19:04:23



Posts: 4,910 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Don't blame the mods, they don't make the crap updates. They come to work to endure a wall of hate against the company, for something they have no control over.
They have a thankless task and can't do any more than us to change what is happening. They don't post on here because they probably agree with us and there is nothing they could say to make people less angry, so I give them more credit for not trying to lie and make out these updates are good.
I just wish IVP would hurry up and sell their shares soon like they plan to, I doubt that will be before the next financial year end as the increased profit this year from these crap updates will increase the share price, but one can hope.

14-Aug-2012 19:06:48

Hydra Reaper

Hydra Reaper

Posts: 474 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ Mod Timo:
Why is Jagex blatantly going against some of it's own rules... I'll get the quotes here shortly.
"Buying/selling reminder"
9 years ago:
"We would like to remind our users that buying/selling RuneScape accounts is not allowed, and that buying/selling RuneScape items for real money outside of the game is also not allowed. We did once consider selling runescape money and items in an online shop on our own site for real cash. However we decided to sacrifice that extra revenue for the good of the game, since we felt it would devalue hard-working players achievements if another player could then just buy their way past them. We don't want rich players to be able to simply buy their way to the top. This is clearly not how the game is meant to be played."
"Bots and real-world trading"
5 years ago
"Under absolutely no circumstances buy RuneScape gold/items for real money! Doing so causes this whole problem, and we'll ban you if we catch you doing it.
The number of honest players still far, far outweighs the tiny minority causing trouble. Now we’re on the case you can be sure we’ll have this sorted out asap."
"Runescape vs Real-World Trading"
4 years ago
"Head to the Development Diary: RuneScape vs Real-World Trading to read more."
-Yep they HAD one of these (Not anymore)
"Rules are for players"
-J-Mod (can't remember which)
Please answer me, I know you don't make the decisions, IVP CLEARLY does, but an answer will still help nonetheless. Thanks.

14-Aug-2012 19:10:35 - Last edited on 14-Aug-2012 19:14:48 by Hydra Reaper

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