Uhm.. First off.. Why the hell would you release names of these players? I'm sure your all big with security saying that, "players are not allowed to report other players on the forum".. But to say their names out loud? WHAT IS WRONG WITH WHOEVER POSTED THIS? When did that seem like a good idea?.. It's almost like saying 101 people were found for ****, murder, and assault! I have an idea! let's be a total dike about it and post the people names who did that!!! BRILLIANCE AT IT'S BEST, RIGHT? WRONG. THIS IS WRONG. When was this ever fair? Wheres the privacy? Why not on top of that release their names, birthdates, and ss number? LMAO. What was in your mind jagex staff, just what was in your mind.. *face-palm*
15-Aug-2012 22:24:17