Ya sure, if people don't use them, then they will remove them... and replace them with something people do use... and are willing to spend money on.
It seems very obvious that whatever content is generated must make a ton of fast money, way above and beyond mere monthly membership dues. I'd go as far as to say that the return to the company is likely the most important determining factor as to what content is worked on, and how the company allocates its development resources. That is simply how business works.
I think what people would appreciate is for Jagex to simply come out and say it. Quit trying to drag everyone along this nightmarish ride and tell us the truth... about the importance of the money and the "brushing-aside" of long-standing RS values and beliefs that were once the cornerstones of the game. Please let your players see the true you, and the face of what Jagex has become... not by a tidal wave of evolutionary changes/disguises, but by taking a stance and making a statement of authentic reflection of who you are and where you are going.
It's way too easy to hide behind the gimmicks you have created, bleeding the youth of their parents' and their own hard earned money, snickering about the huge increase in profits as so many throw their money down a rat-hole. Yes they have a choice, but you need to come out from behind the wheel and show your true colors...and quit playing games with peoples' lives.
Please, just say it.
02-Aug-2012 22:38:20