From reading what Jagex said about the Instakill dart it looks to me like the player has been fighting a monster for awhile before using that dart, which makes me think that there is going to be a restriction on when you are going to be able to use it, like some have already suggested, like the monster's health will have to be below 40%, for example, before you can use the dart to finish it off (similar concept like killing gargoyles).
I think that if it will actually be possible to just walk in to Nex's chamber and kill it with just one hit with that dart then it would be pointless for Jagex to offer different Choose Your Fate rewards. Who is going to go for the remote deposit box when they can go and kill Nex for a change of getting one of the prized drops.
I guess we just all have to wait till we get more detailed information about each reward.
01-Aug-2012 07:41:14