Based on the logic used by some people in this topic you'd think I'd be all over an instakill dart. But I'm not. I haven't done Nomad's Requiem, killed TzTok-Jad or participated in the God Wars Dungeon, go ahead and check that out if you want to be really sure.
There are two big issues with an instakill item:
1. It devalues bosses: Why bother designing an epic and challenging encounter that people will be able to skip completely for the next 3 months?
2. It will add mass amounts of inflation to the economy: Items that cost millions of gold are expensive because they're worth something. They're worth something not only because they're useful but also because they're hard to get. Instakill items trivialise encounters, therefore making high-level items very easy to get. This means the market will be inflated with more and more high-level gear, which means that gear will eventually drop down to a pittance value.
I don't own Nex-ranked gear, nor can I afford to buy any of it, but that doesn't mean I think the idea of an instakill dart is a "fantastic idea". I understand many people will because they think it's a chance to get "free loots" but frankly, a games design and balance means far more to me than having awesome items in it.
I want the game to be fun and challenging, having access to the best gear easily and cheaply trivializes the point of it being so expensive and being so hard to get.
[e] Some people might ask, "So what if everyone can have the best items easily?" but the reason high-level items are so hard to get is because they're supposed to add a sense of progression, they're supposed to make you feel you actually earned them through sweat, blood and hard work.
High-level items should make you feel epic, almost godlike, in comparison to those "not yet worthy". It makes you feel special because you worked so hard to get them. Giving them away to everyone else destroys their value.
When everyone is "special", nobody is special.
26-Jul-2012 10:59:51
- Last edited on
26-Jul-2012 11:02:49