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Quick find code: 294-295-45-63904565

Nov Member 2023


Posts: 41 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Based on the logic used by some people in this topic you'd think I'd be all over an instakill dart. But I'm not. I haven't done Nomad's Requiem, killed TzTok-Jad or participated in the God Wars Dungeon, go ahead and check that out if you want to be really sure.
There are two big issues with an instakill item:
1. It devalues bosses: Why bother designing an epic and challenging encounter that people will be able to skip completely for the next 3 months?
2. It will add mass amounts of inflation to the economy: Items that cost millions of gold are expensive because they're worth something. They're worth something not only because they're useful but also because they're hard to get. Instakill items trivialise encounters, therefore making high-level items very easy to get. This means the market will be inflated with more and more high-level gear, which means that gear will eventually drop down to a pittance value.
I don't own Nex-ranked gear, nor can I afford to buy any of it, but that doesn't mean I think the idea of an instakill dart is a "fantastic idea". I understand many people will because they think it's a chance to get "free loots" but frankly, a games design and balance means far more to me than having awesome items in it.
I want the game to be fun and challenging, having access to the best gear easily and cheaply trivializes the point of it being so expensive and being so hard to get.
[e] Some people might ask, "So what if everyone can have the best items easily?" but the reason high-level items are so hard to get is because they're supposed to add a sense of progression, they're supposed to make you feel you actually earned them through sweat, blood and hard work.
High-level items should make you feel epic, almost godlike, in comparison to those "not yet worthy". It makes you feel special because you worked so hard to get them. Giving them away to everyone else destroys their value.
When everyone is "special", nobody is special.

26-Jul-2012 10:59:51 - Last edited on 26-Jul-2012 11:02:49 by Magniir

May Member 2011


Posts: 709 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What ipullwitswag said.
Listen kids stop crying about every single update.I am rs Veteran too, 530days left and i will get my 10years cape.
Every time jagex makes and update i like it,cause i know they are working to make us happy. Not every update i like(like crucable thingy and pvp thingys) but doesnt mean that other players dont want that.I also love quests,and other ppl hates them..
Jesus just stop crying like a little babies and get over with,if you dont like updates and dont like the game just leave it. More spots for us to grind.
Thanks jagex for everything,even spin wheel thingy,cause i like beying rewarded atleast 2 times per day. Even if its crap things.Its not like you get 200m every day...never got more then 50k lol.
If instantkill dart will be useable every where then i gonna use 3 in dominion tower(for killing nomad 2 times(because only two times counts from the list) and that flying dragon beast forgot its name in hard mode) and last one i gonna use on jad,havent killed jad because i am not really good in boss killing :) Just to let you know total 2300+ done almost all quests(new one isnt done yet) and done a lot of other achievements.
P.S. if you dont like to be rewarded just dont take that stuff,you can destroy it after you get it.I will gladly accept my 1m exp and put it on constructing.

26-Jul-2012 11:15:42



Posts: 28 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Coming from a 10 year veteran,
-"Even if its crap things.Its not like you get 200m every day...never got more then 50k lol." 50k back in the day was a LOT.
There are so many things that have changed runescape from a great, progressing machine, to something that has reduced to the low standards of so many other games where you 'pay to win.'
Whenever I played one of these games, that allowed you to pay for god-like items or exp, i thought to myself "heh.. this is why good old runescape is brilliant."
Does anyone even remember times before the grand exchange? Money was worth something back then. Trading between players was worth something.

Not sure this is such a great move jagex. Whilst tempting for many, other older players will start to get sick, and newer ones will become bored. Good luck with your progression.
Yummip, 26-07-12 r.i.p

26-Jul-2012 11:40:23

May Member 2011


Posts: 709 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Question,if you go and use dart on queen black dragon does she dies or you only kill one of her stages? cause if so,then you have to do 3 stages and use dart on 4th one..Or if you go do any GWD bosses all of them has followers like lets say armadyl:3 mobs there,so basicly you have to use dart on every single one of them..which after fight you will have only one dart left.same goes for other bosses.unless you can kill main one and others will disapear? i wonder if it will work on pest queen in dominion tower,cause would be tough luck to die once you get her,cause done 200kills and never saw her.

26-Jul-2012 11:45:45

May Member 2011


Posts: 709 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Game has to be updated,even combat evolution has to be,cause if they will not change it ppl just gonna leave after years. Next step will be updating graphics and launching totaly new engine where you gonna need 10gb on your hard drive so game can be installed.Trust me it will happen,and even if 100k ppl leave rs, half of them will come back after some year or two and even more ppl will join the 100k leaves,250k joins..because get ready for the new generation..Its just a mater of time,and games like rs will never go bancrupt as longs as they update game 3-4 times per month.

26-Jul-2012 11:49:31



Posts: 9,160 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jagex is trying to do everything they can to get more people to subscribe for members. If they weren't, they would offer half of this stuff to F2P.
Also, the darts seem a bit overpowering... You can kill any monster with one shot? That's just crazy. There's thousands of members who are going to have this and that's thousands of darts that will be used (considering the other options aren't that attractive) and that will bring in a lot of items into the game causing a lot of inflation.
Also, there shouldn't be an expiration date on the items. What's the point in having them if if they expire? That just defeats the purpose of it and forces everyone to use it within a few months time further increasing inflation within the economy and making it even worse than it is.
As for the free xp, I wouldn't support it, but I guess it's better than hosting a BXPW and having people gain far more than that in a few hours while others are making a few hundred mill selling items.
The FAQ didn't answer any of the basic questions either. It answered one of my questions, everything else I already knew.

26-Jul-2012 13:31:38



Posts: 26 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Reading the forums gives me such a headache. Prissy players whining about change being bad and how things will break the game or cause everyone to leave. Annoying inquirers who clearly have not fully read the original article considering all their questions were covered in it. A few players trying to defend the update fruitlessly. A couple people with good questions, and a whole slew of people repeating the same questions. Add in a couple trolls and one or two grammar Nazis and you have a typical forum thread.
There is so much stress shown in a typical forum thread update that it's just...sad. Seriously. It's a game and yet a lot of people in here are treating it like it's a matter of life and death. Like the insta kill darts deserve ulcer causing stress. IT'S A GAME. It's meant to relieve stress and allow for you to have fun and relax, forgetting the stresses of life for a little while. So why is everyone getting so stressed playing it?
So what if people are using it to get through the fight caves? Big deal. So what if a few people decide to kill Nex with it? If there's a big price drop the only things that should bother you is your loss of money having bought it when it was expensive...and i doubt anyone who can afford it really cares about the money that much.
So what is it? Image? Prestige? If you have a fire cape and got it legit. Good. I can respect that and you should feel good. So what if a few other people have them to? If you killed a quest boss like Nomad legit, then feel good about it. You have bragging rights. Does it really matter what other people are doing? No. Why? It's a game!
It's like the runespan. Did you get 99 rc before the runespan? Well I respect that cause it was QUITE hard when the best way to do it was to do Nat runs using the Brimhaven general store. I'm using the runespan. Will i still feel good with 99 rc. Well yeah it's taking weeks. But I won't feel as good or prestigious as those who got it the hard way. And I respect that.

26-Jul-2012 13:51:04

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