now do you people really want to use this on Nomad? No, I didn't kill him, yes, I tried several times, yes I am going to kill him and no, I won't use this stupid cheat just to get quest cape (believe me, it's the thing I want most in this game, but just no!)
I will work my ass off just to do finish the quest, not to pretend I killed the Nomad... what is the point? It's like running a marathon and then decide, you want to take a cab, would you want a gold medal for that?
to the Nex controversy, let's say there will be 100k active members (that's a lot underestimated), half of them (50k) will take four darts and they will kill Nex. 200k kills, someone said his droprate for nex item is about 1/30, that means more than 6500 nex itemes and you think it won't change economics?
I don't like when someone kills games i like, now I have to work my ass off even harder just to kill Nomad and Jad before anyone can claim, I did it the wrong way
P.S. @Mordred you're like the last intelligent (wo)man (sry, don't konw) here, thank you...
26-Jul-2012 17:44:46