Also if you want to save resources and make money jagex, make lasting updates that will continue to drawn in players in the future, not temporary junk that people will forget about in a couple months. These monthly money grabbing updates aren't going to stand forever in the public eye. Eventually the game will be regarded as one of those games where the more you spend, the better you are at it. The squeal was the first step, and now buying 2 month membership for 1m free xp is second. People want to play the game to enjoy the content and have fun together. Everyone likes the feeling that success comes from hard work, or even just luck staking at the duel arena. But success is starting to become measured by how much cash you want to spend. Not going to gain you money or good opinions from the public to just give away more and more useless content. If I want to play dress up, Runescape is hardly first on my list.
Sure, giving away 1m xp will keep some people buying membership, but the idea of having bonus xp weekends twice a year will not only engage players more, causing them to actually play the game more, but will keep them remembering that Runescape gives out gifts to loyal members on a regular basis that is shared by everyone. Bonus xp weekends would keep people training ingame either to prep for the weekend, or to make money to train those expensive skills. Now all they have to do is go drop 10 bucks at their local walmart and boom, there's 1m free xp. Real fun game right there, lot of game play to get rewarded.
People don't play the game for this crap. Keep going down the road you're on and you will be left with a community completely comprised of bots, and the people that buy the gp from the bots. Players that train their characters from level 3 with their own resources and hard work won't stay, and certainly these types of players won't enter the game in the future. The game they would enter will give them the instant feel of more cash = more fun. R.I.P
29-Jul-2012 05:18:49