Wow. I can tell all of you salty people above are not software developers (or working with IT in any other way). A bug is not strictly errors in code, it entails errors in all aspects of the system (design, etc.). This most certainly can be labelled as a bug. The players who abused this knew very well that it was not the intention to make it possible to gain a surplus of oddments and they most definitely used it to their advantage.
Wow. I can tell all of you salty people above are not software developers (or working with IT in any other way). A bug is not strictly errors in code, it entails errors in all aspects of the system (design, etc.). This most certainly can be labelled as a bug. The players who abused this knew very well that it was not the intention to make it possible to gain a surplus of oddments and they most definitely used it to their advantage.
Please tell me how you know what other players knew or didn't know. And even if so, things happening "not as intended" is still not the same as a bug. How are players supposed to know which overpowered portion of the game is intended and which portions aren't intended? Because as far as I'm concerned, EoC is insanely broken in dungeoneering, Prif thieving is broken, infinite prayer points were broken back in the days, and yet none of those are bug abuse, or at least I'm not seeing any bans happening for people doing those things. Where is the line between overpowered and bug abuse? Is using familiars at Luminescent Icefiend bug abuse because they can damage it during its invulnerability stage? It isn't all that clear to me to be honest. Did I realise getting more oddments than I put in was overpowered? Maybe the rate I was getting them, yeah. Did I consider it bug abuse, no. I just figured it was another part of the game that was overpowered, just like so many others.
12-Sep-2020 16:44:11
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14-Sep-2020 17:05:54
Hacker Chad
big bot farm in runescape 3 in world 225 in clan wars please help hard to get a hold on any one on the site.....
While it's not necessary, but it can help if you report the bots. This can make handling them much quicker. You don't have to report every one of them though, just a few on your way to your destination would do wonders.
Life is like a camera: Just
on what's important,
the good times,
from the negatives, and if things don't work out,
take another shot