I do think it's stupid. I got banned for 3 days too. I'll admit I didn't pay a penny for keys, I got it all through oddments, but it wasn't obviously a bug. I realised it was pretty dang OP quickly, but coming back after like 9 years of absence tons of things look pretty dang OP. Safecracking, Prif pickpocketing (absolutely insane exp rates on top of useful loot and mostly afk on top of that), EoC in dungeoneering (Regenerate means I just don't need food at all, and I often kill bosses solo within like < 10 seconds), I can go on and on. I still remember from the old pre-EoC days that you could flash prayers for one game tick and it wouldn't drain prayer points, prayers would only start draining after that initial active game tick, so with a little bit of practice on the timing you could continually flick the prayer and get immortality in PvM (prayers had 100% damage reduction) and a constant power boost through a prayer like Piety. That wasn't deemed bug abuse at the time, Jagex just allowed it and even said on the forums it was allowed, even though it was kind of breaking prayer as it nullified the prayer point cost. And even here in the current situation, during double exp I got insane rates on Summoning training in Prif during Amlodd hour, I got exp so fast I would call it broken. Yet nobody gets banned for that. During double exp I also trained Prayer at the cleansing crystals in Hefin, with the First Age outfit, with Perfect juju prayer potions, and the Tirannwn quiver auto-starting new crystals. Effectively like 750k exp per Hefin hour that was afk. Is combining Hefin hour, First Age outfit, juju potions, and double exp an exploit?
What I'm trying to say is, there is so much OP stuff in the game these days, or what one could consider broken, that it's hard to distinguish what is actually broken and what is simply cleverly combining different mechanics to optimise progress.
01-Sep-2020 20:52:43