I have a question. I already put my personal feelings on the correct forum but I need to ask something about it.
Its about NXT and Java. I run both my accounts on my laptop at the same time. And occasionally, I get this little pop-up that asks me to switch something or other. I can't remember, because it only happens every once in a while. And on the 2nd account that I bring up. Not my main.
Could this have something to do with the NXT client or the Java or whatever???
When it happens, I say no and it goes away but I have to relog into my RS 2nd account again. I usually don't have any more problems again for another ohhh month or so.
Then it happens again. SHOULD I switch?? I've heard so many negative things but I'm asking for some serious advice from a MOD please???
11-Nov-2019 01:04:16
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11-Nov-2019 01:08:24