Not sure where to post this. There should be a thread for it but I could not find it in news discussion nor recent game update discussion.
Feel free to remove,anywhere here it goes>
i just saw this newspost but I could not find the apropiate forum to give feedback on this newspost.
In the newspost jagex said they would watch the responses from all players on reddit and on this forum,they should have linked to the apropiate forum but I hope this message gets through to the right mod anyway. If someone has link to the right forum then pls post it.
I would like to voice my concern about recovering accounts. In the post it seems as if they want to make it easier to recover an account,this worries me a lot because in the past there have been several storys of people who lost their account due to it being reclaimed via recover account by a malicious person. (which was reason for me to still not register my email address with jagex)
Imo runescape security is perfect,you have the password and then there is the authenticator as wel for those who want that. How is this not 100% safe I don't see.
I don't mind if they upgrade security but only if it truly is an upgrade and not an actual downgrade giving more options to people to get into your account. So pls take good care of this when making the update.
22-Mar-2019 00:51:08