@Lucky shot - It symbolizes a company trying to make money off people who are willing to spend it. End of story.
@Elder Fletch - When did you start playing? I'm almost positive I've been here longer. SO before you talk about "if you ad played old rs...." maybe you should find that out. The point is, the game wasn't ruined by this one update.
Early summer 2003 here. The update would only be a scam if it gave game altering items (Exp, money, Items). Since it doesn't, there is no effect on you if you choose not to use it.
I've been a member since Jan 08, sans one month. Often, I'd leave my membership running even if taking an extended break, because I liked Jagex.
Suffice to say from now on it'll be based on whether I feel I'm getting my money's worth. And no, the loyalty programme isn't an enticement to keep an unused membership active - I've got over 60k points idle.
This is pathetic
Jagex: You're gonna add new animations into the game, but then make us PAY MORE MONEY to use them? What happened to the days when updated animations were made simply to improve gameplay? Now updated animations/emotes/costumes are just another way for you to get more money.
If Jagex was run the same way it was 5 years ago, updates like this would never happen. Back then Jagex was actually concerned with how much its players enjoyed the game.
This community is full of whining little kids. Do you guys think that 8 dollars a month from each player could support a game that is constantly expanding and evolving? If you say increase the price of membership, how many of you will promise not to whine even more like little babies? Every single update that Jagex has made to help them make money all comes down to the player's option. You don't have to buy it it is all up to you. So shut your little whiny mouth, stop taking Runescape like it is your life, and go out for a walk in the world.