To all most of the players complaining about the upcoming price increase:
You obviously haven't been around long enough to realize that costs go up...for everything...and everywhere, both on the production side, and as a result, on the consuming side.
According to Jagex's own financial statements, they've been making record profits after MTX was added to the game, and even without any MTX they still would've made a decent chunk of profit. So please, trying to excuse this as "oh it's just the inflation!" is pointless, because they literally don't need to increase their prices. > )
And even if they actually had to increase prices due to inflation, a more in-depth explanation than "dear players, just trust us blindly based on this ambiguous statement, thank you" would certainly help to prove their case. Because as of right now, what they're doing is basic PR.
As far as MTX goes... it's optional, and shouldn't be tied in any way to the actual price of playing the game - that's on you if you buy into it...
Do you honestly think that a gaming company like Jagex would just make something like TH with the intention of it being "optional"? MTX like TH is designed to be too lucrative to pass on, so that even if you do skip it, you'll feel bad about missing out on it and/or you'll be at a disadvantage compared to someone who does buy into it.
In the case of TH, everyone who doesn't use it has to grind significantly more than those who do use it, it kills the meaning from competing for hiscores, it injects resources like bars, herbs, food etc from the "junk" prize slots into the game that the key buyers don't bother using themselves, so the prices of those resources drops (from increased supply, as well as decreased demand when key buyers don't need to buy them to train buyable skills). And the list goes on...