Noob King
Hey Pupppy, why not give some constructive feedback instead of flaming the content they bring out? As Mod Krista stated they are open to suggestions.
Constructive feedback isn't always positive you know. Personally, I've told them time and time again, to stop spamming us with the temporary events, and instead focusing on making fewer of them for a higher quality in return. Back when we had World Events, they were much more unique and had more interesting gameplay; WE1 was skilling and combat at the Lumbridge crater, WE2 was open-world skilling, escorting caravans and safe PvP, WE3 was traversing the anima islands doing various activities to charge a spear to strike at Tuska. Compare those to what we have now:
Lumbridge crater events:
-Beach is skilling at the crater
-Spring Fayre is skilling at the crater
-Novtumberfest is skilling at the crater
...or just buy runecoins/tokens from the GE to complete most of the event instantly.
Currency events (Agents of Fury, Birth by Fire, Deathbeard's demise...): do whatever you normally do for random currency drops. Or just buy a couple large currency packages to auto-complete the event instantly.
Bingo card events (Death lotus training, Walk like a zombie, upcoming Tribal Trials...): do some tasks listed on a parchment. Or just spin through some TH chests and have it auto-complete itself.
For the sake of time, I haven't included everything, because you should get the point by now: copy-paste events are trash in comparison to the World Events. Even the recent content survey results showed this: World Events beat all of the above, as well as some other lazy events that I didn't list.
Apologizing to Jagex is just going to ensure that they won't bother changing their ways, since you're telling them that this is okay. > )