Hey i got a suggestion. 6 years and i love this game so here's my suggestion's cause i'm gonna quit once this thing happen's cause it's completely stupid.
1. Remove the action bar
2. Keep spec weapons, you are making 100's of weapon's useless and it has caused the economy to crash terribly, you know it has your self so don't try to come up with an excuse.
3. multi wild.. stupid, pking is already ruined as is...
4. Don't even bother doing this update.
go ahead and say im stupid other people, that's just your opinion but i know once it's here alot of you will hate it and quit. And i know a ton of more people hate it then like it. So rip Runescape. This is what happen's when you let someone buy you out. Now your done within the next year.
27-Jul-2012 08:02:19