
Changes for a Better Beta

Quick find code: 294-295-35-63875020

Sw Wargods

Sw Wargods

Posts: 645 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I Have played the beta version a few times now and i love the new weapon equip but the only change that my self and other players don't agree with is the change in combat levels , I am currently level 63 and when i logged into the beta version my combat level is like 166 , many players are concerned runescape is losing its unique appeal and slowly becoming like WoW , I Strongly recommend leaving the combat level sytem the way it currently is , and is it true that players will no longer be able to create pure accounts in the beta version? Because i know many players only like certain combat skills eg: range/strength , this is my only concern :) Otherwise Love The Graphics!
Minigame Veteran ~ Join The Roman Empire

Soulwars for Life

24-Jul-2012 18:15:46

Iso Decoder
Apr Member 2014

Iso Decoder

Posts: 2,873 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thank you Jagex for having read and acted to satisfy some of us players' wishes. I am content that our opinions are received and adjudicated in a way which is constructive to the Runescape community by making a great Beta. Most players including me now greatly appreciate the many things Beta has to offer. :)

26-Jul-2012 06:19:20



Posts: 78 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey i got a suggestion. 6 years and i love this game so here's my suggestion's cause i'm gonna quit once this thing happen's cause it's completely stupid.
1. Remove the action bar
2. Keep spec weapons, you are making 100's of weapon's useless and it has caused the economy to crash terribly, you know it has your self so don't try to come up with an excuse.
3. multi wild.. stupid, pking is already ruined as is...
4. Don't even bother doing this update.
go ahead and say im stupid other people, that's just your opinion but i know once it's here alot of you will hate it and quit. And i know a ton of more people hate it then like it. So rip Runescape. This is what happen's when you let someone buy you out. Now your done within the next year.

27-Jul-2012 08:02:19

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30-Jul-2012 03:04:14



Posts: 127 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I started playing in 2006 approximately and have been a member for most of those years. This is just my personal opinion and if Jagex only put in some of the things included here it would make Runescape alot more fun. I remember when Runescape didn't feel like a grind to max levels or coins but an actual adventure...I just hope Jagex haven't forgotten what their name stood for. "Just about the Gaming Experience."
I present some ideas to help Jagex to revive the Wilderness and help save most pkers from quitting.
Number 1: There could be a new area located north of the wilderness. All the new bosses that drop the parts of armor sets and new weapons introduced in the EOC Beta would be located here.
Number 2: New resources such as dragon rocks to mine or new fishing spots for high level food near mage bank. Any more suggestions are welcome.
Number 3: New Wilderness Dungeons where you can fight bosses in groups or solo but you lose all the items you risk with no gravestone. These would be instanced for each player or group so noone could attack you. These bosses would drop the new parts of armor sets and weapons in the EOC Beta.
Ever since a United states of American company owned more than 51% of the shares in Jagex Runescape has gone downhil. Now the game is just a big profit making real world trade mmorpg like every other (example World of Warcraft). Boycott Jagex dont buy spins or solomon crap.
Thanks for reading. :)

30-Jul-2012 13:23:25

ms robertson

ms robertson

Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
is there any way we can leave the combat levels the same? when we go into beta, myself and quit a few friends of mine, our levels change. Like my friends a level 66 on regular runescape but on beta is level 166 in the beta. Can we keep our levels and not do anything like WoW please? Also is there someone who people who are still learning the new beta style that we can go to for trainning on how to do the attacks on beta? like trainning guides like on regular runescape in lumby? That way people can learn from the get go how to fight for yourself. I think this would help alot more people to understand the fighting style and enjoy the new beta on runescape. These are some of the reasons runescape is much much better then WoW! :) Gives you guides and alot more help on understanding how to fight, do magic and range? But no matter what runescape will always have my heart!! lol

01-Aug-2012 12:30:52 - Last edited on 01-Aug-2012 12:36:19 by ms robertson

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