
NXT Closed Beta Weekend 2

Quick find code: 294-295-343-65765844



Posts: 139 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
well here is a bug . if you dont know about it yet . when farming my supper compost says its super but looks like a dagger of some sort. when i was in heart of gelanor my norm tool box looked like a pink/red villagers skirt. but looks great otherwise.

19-Mar-2016 22:15:46

Lost Striker
Nov Member 2023

Lost Striker

Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have the same issue. While fighting granite crabs, I have 7 items that look like uncut emerald.... however they are gold, crimson and green charms, and various black armor pieces. Im guessing that at one point I picked up this uncut emerald, so now everything I am getting it is using the sprite of the emerald. DOES NOT change when logging out.....

Also, when teleporting (magic or home teles), there is a frequent occurrence where the map stays black (nothing geographical) but populates items on ground, NPCs and player locations.

19-Mar-2016 22:32:10

Sep Member 2003


Posts: 790 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This might be a bug, but I like it. When I teleport to a lodestone or pass a portal, there's a *****************.... piece by piece loading of the environment, not a snap it's all there like "regular" rs.

20-Mar-2016 00:29:35

No Arm64
Apr Member 2011

No Arm64

Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The client is not working for me, I downloaded it and reinstalled it. The only thing that is happening is that it is loading and then there is just a white box on the right side of the client. It has a spasm if the windows is expanded. The loading music I assume is playing but nothing else is happening.

20-Mar-2016 00:40:32

Elder Raven
Mar Member 2023

Elder Raven

Posts: 169 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Don't get me wrong I WANT NXT but NOT at the cost of any value of my Runescape I know and love. Thank you for opening up the beta to more of us and I very much hope it helps. NXT just doesn't feel right yet nor is it honestly completely playable. I definitely don't feel comfortable doing anything high risk or any questing and for some that can make a game unplayable.

Besides the graphical glitches the actual main problem from my experience and other's seem to be overall the same- LAG, lag...and more lag. I experience all the same terrible load times and lag when I tele, load a UI like the bank for example or any menu. The time it takes a area to load after you tele is extreme as it seems to slowly fade in piece by pieces.

20-Mar-2016 04:19:58

Elder Raven
Mar Member 2023

Elder Raven

Posts: 169 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I can play RS on max settings quite happily NXT does not feel or work right.... O_o Didn't a J-Mod quote that NXT even on minimum setting would be like normal RS on max? Um... that's not quite working either. I am very happy on my regular RS client now. NXT doesn't feel, look or work right yet.... Sorry...

20-Mar-2016 04:39:36

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