Difficulty with NXT: Linux 14.04lts using OpenGl, have updated all hardware drivers (Gpu Intel 4600 integrated), compilers (all c++ and equivalent) and libraries (shaders and hd accellerators as well) to match current release. All ends the same as when I first downloaded NXT (which I've done twice now having removed the jagex folder to ensure total replacement) The client starts, I can log in, I can move around and interact with objects, but I cannot see anything in the main game window other than the cursor. And in the minimap, I can only see outlines of buildings, dots marking pc's npc's and such but now graphic detail. I cannot see icons from bank items (though I can see the amounts) nor can I see any graphic detail of my examine thought I can see all graphics that are buttons. When I log out and back in quickly, I seem to see a faint image for an instant then all fades to a solid colour (have a decent visual memory, so it may be my mind playing tricks on me wanting the thing to work). The solid colour changes as I move from location to location. Is it possible the shader is being applied as a solid overlay? Are there other specific drivers, compilers or libraries that I should look at? I do love what others have been able to accomplish with NXT, and hope all works for the best. Thanks in advance for your time and consideration. Oh! The audio works quite beautifully for me (all that I've come across while trying to interact blindly within the world of RuneScape).
20-Mar-2016 22:37:24