I have 3 accounts, one which has been around for 10 years with 200mil xps and 1.5bil+ overall.
if i paid 4x 3 months of membership that's 88$ CAD each account, and save 90* for all 3 accounts.
the extra stuff you get for your 30$ is not worth it nowadays, for what i think would be most players..
I love jagex and i have done a lot too support them over the years. with the raise in popularity of OSRS, i believe they have seen a decrease in micro-trans sales, compared to what they would have liked. and i can't help but feel this price is too compensate for that.
the only purpose this serves is too ensure financial security. everyone working at jagex has a pretty stable job with mostly full bellies.
jagex already profits quarterly. especially with the relatively low dev cost of Oldschool, that brings in tons of monthly subscriptions. that if they play their cards right will be here too stay. but i get it..
was just hoping too see a better deal. guess i'll just save my 90$, not worth perks i don't care about.
04-Jan-2016 03:42:31