Jagex, you really need to do some research into something called The Law of Diminishing Returns. I understand that despite the dribble coming out of the mouths of government spoon fed economists about how great the major world economies are doing, the world is getting much more expensive and businesses have to raise prices, but there comes a point where people will not spend that much on entertainment. Constant TH content that is getting more and more expensive to gain ( see elder divination outfit complaints), and now this premier package with little worth while other than an aura and an extra daily TH key (NOT worth a $40 increase).
Example of one aspect of diminishing returns: Last year I spent money for 2 accounts to become gold members. It was expensive but not so much more so than a regular yearly membership, that the increase was negligible and it was worth it (kinda). This year I had intended to spend to make 3 accounts gold. Now because of the price increase, I will buy NO premier packages. So instead of only making $5 or *10 extra off me with a moderate price increase, you will lose out on all that I would have spent. And I highly doubt I am the only customer that feels this way. Will enough people buy the more expensive package to offset losses from people like me who simply do not find that increase justifiable this year? I doubt it... ergo, diminishing returns for your premier efforts. You have greatly increased the price over last year but I will bet you see less profit than last year.
Not to mention the cosmetic outfit looks bad, the pet is mediocre, and we don't even get runecoins. Maybe it isn't diminishing returns for your efforts, since it doesn't seem that much effort was put into it.
02-Dec-2015 05:30:31