Guys, please read the FULL first page!
If you buy a Bond from a player, or the GE, you CANNOT resell it, UNLESS you pay a 10% GE tax. This will bonds from being merch-ed rapidly, and stagnate the price of bonds.
This update is for the people don't wish to buy membership anymore, but concurrently aspire to continue playing. Furthermore if people wish to do the opposite - buy membership bonds and sell it in-game for money - it will allow them to quickly climb the RS echelon. Just think how difficult it is for fledgling individuals to understand the developments of the game, presently.
This update does not give any advantages to flippers, or merchant clans, unless they wish to spend their own real life money to sell bonds in-game. Nevertheless, if a considerable amount of player decide to follow this avenue, this will, ultimately, benefit the community.
'How' you ask?
In the last two years, Jagex has expanded its employment ratio exponentially. This has allowed for novel updates to occur, simultaneously with patches, fixing bugs, and appealing to the community in more ways. Im an avid RS player, dating back to the late 2005. If you are, as well, a veteran then you'll understand how in the last few years, more and more updates are published each month.
Therefore, referring back to 'how' this helps the community. With a large influx of profits, Jagex will be able to continue paying their current employers, and in the near future, expand even more.
Jagex's recapitulation on the eradication of gold farmers isnt as forthcoming as dictated. Rather, Jagex is striving towards BECOMING gold farmers by allowing players to purchase bonds with their own money, and sell them in-game for GP. Morally, as well as in the spirit of gaming, is wrong; however, again, if those player do decide to purchase gold, they might as well do so from Jagex.
25-Sep-2013 20:21:34