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You make a claim that almost half of the player base are actively involved in rwt but you don't give any details.....
Of course not. What did you expect, names and addresses?
They could have explained why they haven't just banned those players if as they claim they know how many of use are doing it. Sure the gold farmers could just bounce back, but the people who actually bought the gold would have a much harder time of it.
They haven't said one way or the other. But the rules are very clear. Don't you get a warning first tho?
No idea to be honest, they always seem to be changing.
Most likely though, I personally feel they should be harder on them, then maybe it wouldn't have gotten this out of hand.
Agree! I guess they don't want to ban 40% of their membership revenue
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If you don't like it, don't buy them and maybe they will go away, we see how well not spinning worked.
I see Bonds have multiple uses ingame while its for real money.
I think it'll effect the game in slight way mostly the economy
Still stopping more rwt itself should be seen here
26-Sep-2013 16:34:15
- Last edited on
26-Sep-2013 16:38:26
The sad thing is that having a legitimate and safe way to buy gp just ruins the game for me
It's like being told the cheat code to a challenging game that you are playing.
I am a software developer myself and even at a rate of $1 per 1mil, I will always know that I have infinite funds at my fingertips, and that removes the challenge to me.
At least half the fun of Runescape is finding ways to make gold - it's not all about stats.
That said, the 40% ass holes that have been breaking the rules (and apparently getting away with it, which is your fault), will continue to buy the cheaper gold from their trusted sources. If it worked for them once, why the hell would they pay more to a different supplier the second time around?
Your only hope to retain the Runescape player-base is to realize that bonds are a mistake immediately and eliminate them.
I am totally for Jagex making money, but not at the cost of the Runescape experience.
Bonds are currently selling for less than 8mil gp each (I just bought and sold a bond to verify)
I'm a member of the powerbot community (I don't bot anymore, nor do I even play the game) and gold prices have been falling for the last few months. The demand for gold has been steadily declining since the release of the EoC, so if anything bonds will just increase the demand for gold again.
Because the bonds cost $5 for only 14 days of membership - that's $10 for 28 days - not a good deal for those who pay by the month or buy RS cards. And $5 for 160 GP?! - way bad deal all around!
It seems like we're moving into a RWT world right here on the game and those who've accumulated wealth by all the gambling and "doubling" will have a HUGE advantage over those of us who play by the rules. Would maybe sound more reasonable if ALL the players played by the rules.
AND... if Jagex KNOWS who these RWTraders ARE, how come they're STILL in the game? Just asking.
I have no complaints i'm pretty open minded when it comes to games so every new update has been pleasantly surprising to me. I think this is a pretty cool update and it could go far when it comes time for being able to donate the bonds to good causes you should really consider adding a sort of "silver bond" since the one in place already looks like a gold one, for the simple fact that if this goes far (as I think it will) the g.e. price will go up and the silver would be like a cheaper version. Also as someone who has worked in retail, I know that not everyone is willing to fork over $5 or however much that will be in g.p. to charity all at once. That said Go get those Bots!!!