What will happen to in game prices?
I havn’t figured this out yet. Depending on the players mentality either new gold will be added to the game, or existing gold will be recirculating. The added gp is new gp, the circulating gp is existing gp. So lets pretend half the players will buy illegal gold and the other half from jagex. That would mean that in stead of 150b added to the game every day, there will be 75b existing gold circulating and 75b added. Judging by the suppliers amount of member accounts, this will be a dint in their sales. Meaning left over stock, and probably a drop in their prices for mills. This does little but make the value in mills for bonds raise further. It’s pretty much an endless situation. Only difference is that now jagex is also getting a buck out of it. there will be less money in the game tho, meaning prices will probably get a bit lower, but not much. as the bonds gold will come from the richest players sitting on their cash, it's already out of circulation.
End conclusion:
Like the old saying " if you can’t beat them, join them." Jagex will be sharing a piece of the Pie with the gold farmers. increasing their profits, while doing practically nothing to harm the economy further, as it's already happening, whether they want to or not
They effectively destroy part of the illegal market by becoming a supplier themselves.
As the price of the gold farmers gold has an immediate effect on the value of bonds the price will be irrelevant to the cut jagex takes out of their market.
Gold farmers will be the direct influence to the price of bonds.
26-Sep-2013 01:49:53