I got around to getting on my computer early this afternoon. I was on RS for about fifteen minutes prior to being booted for the update.
"Oh." I thought. "This may be the update one moderator said would take place this week in lieu of the quest since it is being postponed."
"But what could it be? It can't be BoL's finishing week. That's close but not that close."
"There's nothing else. Huh."
I got booted off; got dressed, and came back to the computer to see the banner with the video with MMG on it. Ah, wonderful. Maybe some news about an upcoming relevant addition to the game or something! Yay!
Watched it. Was kind of in a stupor for multiple reasons. I was cross shortly thereafter. Went to work, and then my lunch break came around. Watched it one more time just to make sure I didn't hear something crucial that would've changed the videos' subject matter.
Nothing new. Went back to work, and that crossed feeling got into my head again.
Here I am at home wondering exactly this:
In the first minute of the video - you mention being able to retain that once sought after valor, knowing that you were able to gain things without outside influence. Being able to do it all with what you were provided with in the first place - skills, knowledge, in-game wealth.
Where does that come into play on either end of a player-to-player transaction that involves one of these real world money purchased bonds?
What's the main reason you can't outright admit that this is borderline selling gold?
I'd rather not be brought some banal, **** poor excuse.
I've drawn that there are five uses for these items:
1. Donating. Not available, nor am I holding my breath on it.
2. Personal use upon buying. With the £/€/$ to RC/Spin/Membership ratio compared to other payment methods, I can't apply this as a use personally. You'd have to be downright mental to use this.
3. Gifting. Is this your excuse to claim it's not selling gold?
4/5. 'Swap' and/or Sell. Same thing. Finance gain.
26-Sep-2013 00:27:31