Not trying to dis all the work done already, but my prediction is that it's going to be a flop. Please Jagex, listen to me, WORK ON RUNESCAPE. You're good at Runescape work on it. Runescape is what you're known for, make it better. Wasting money on flop after flop is not a good idea ever. I would've given up making flops by the third flop. It's fine to be a one hit wonder with runescape, because runescape is what you're good at. But please, no more throwing money away on flops. Let this be the last. Then you've worked with artplant, a company who can't make popular games to save their lives. A one hit wonder of 1 game battlestar galactica.
cmon jagex, no more flops please. Listen to your customers when they tell you don't throw money in the garbage bin. Hire more people for runescape instead, give us way more content. Make the runescape your players/customers want. Have people working to fix issues while others get to take a creative lead.
Its fine to want diversification, but when it's flop after flop, it becomes painful to watch. 8realms? WOL? Stellar Dawn? Funorb? Remember arcanists, the great game you abandoned? I found acanists to be an awesome game, hilarious even. If this flops, toss in the diversification towel.
How has Jagex screwed up:
In game purchases, to buy keys to maybe get something. Maybe. Bonds I'm ok with, they do more good than evil.
EOC: Removed what made runescape, runescape, and made it into a WOW clone. WoW is dying, don't get caught in the death throes by mimicking them. Players want the combat that we had in 2007 scape. Maybe a few tweaks to make sure that the combat triangle works.
New animations/art style: Another blunder, people want what made runescape runescape.
I remember when membership was cheap, at like 5 freedom dollars, and population was high. Servers full and bustling with activity. Soul wars bursting with players. Mini games packed. When we had 200+ servers. When servers would be full.
One of the best goats in Runescape.
01-May-2015 13:19:23