
A letter to the RS community

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In the almost 12 years I've played, I have mixed feelings with every ceo (Constant Tedder(6.5years), Geoff Iddison (1,5years) and Mark Gerhard(6/7years).
Every CEO and Jagex personal tried to do the best.

Under Tedder and with the Gower brothers**** grew from nothing to a very big thing.
They created RS1. Added members, created everything again to finally release RS2 back in March 2004. All of a sudden, from 35k players on daily base in 2004, they went up too, and beyond 200k players in 2007 on daily base.
A big problem was bots. Yes, they tried to do everything to stop them (Fatigue on RSC, Random events on RS2. (
I miss them!
)) But bot makers were Always growing too.
Fact, bots are a problem on every computer related thing, weather it's a game like RS or WoW, or a spam bot that attacks companies.
They tried to handle the bots, but eventually, the bots grew and grew.

Pros on Tedder:
- RS was born and grew to a huge game which is one of the best games out there. After 12 years playing, it is still worth playing once in a while.
- Jagex grew as a company.
- Many great skills
- Many great quests
- The start of RS lore has begane under his leadership
- The fundamendal base of RS as we know it is created under him and under the Gower brothers
- Clan Chat
- The start of Holiday events since Christmas 2004
- Random events
- Tried to create a second Jagex game, called Stellar Dawn. It isn't finished and the project is cancelled, I believe. But they tried to make a new game too!
- First batch of bringing RS out in other languages

(see next post for continue)

20-Sep-2014 16:36:44



Posts: 584 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

- How they handled with RS1-RS2 upgrade. They made posts about it a year and a half in advance of the beta. They posted regurarly on how they were doing. They posted screenshots. They made posts with how many % they were advancing in the making of certain parts of RS2. And they listened to the players when the beta was out. They even gave us, the players, the choice between a Halloween item and the release of RS2 being delayed a few days/weeks. The item (known as a scythe) has won the poll

Cons on Tedder:
- Bots, but as I stated, every game has this problem
- Gold farmers
- (starting with the) Removal of the wilderness and free trade
- Assist system
- Closed RS1 for everybody except those who logged in during some months.

On Geoff, he was just 1.5 years CEO, so he couldn't achieve a lot in that time.
A note: the crisis of the end of 2008 happened during his CEO-ship. So it did somehow play with his decisions made, I believe.

Pros on Iddison:
- Funorb is released
- Quick chat
- Release of the first book of RS
- Continue of Holiday events
- Continue of releasing RS in other languages

- F2p sometimes felt as a trial for P2p
- Too much trying to get f2p-players become members (read my note about the crisis of 2008)
- Very little support for RS1

See next post for continue

20-Sep-2014 16:37:21



Posts: 584 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Mark Gerhard. Well, I must say, you did a nice job on many things, but also I have had questions on some things. But that I had on every CEO.

Pros on Gerhard:
- Let the players vote on bringing back the wildy and free trade
- Bot nuke day. Yes, there are still bots around. But Jagex finally managed to take a huge strike on them. It has been a big problem for years
- Old school RS has been released, with the votes of us, the players. Yes, many have their thoughts on this. But then again, I have my thoughts with Jagex handling RS1
- Continue of releasing RS in other languages
- Handling gold farmers alias releasing bonds. Making it possible to play RS as a member by buying it with RS money
- Being more open to the players (Well, I have a con on it too tbh)
- More interaction with the players (Youtube, facebook, twitter, Runefest,...)
- Upgraded to RS3
- Trying to rebalance certain skills in upcoming updates.

Cons on Gerhard:
- Closed RS1 entirely. Come on Jagex, it's the first version you guy's have released to your people. The first version of which mad RS famous as it is now! Don't forget that! I don't ask for updates, all I ask is, make it possible for everybody to play it again.
- EoC. I said how RS1-RS2 was handled. Why couldn't you do that with EoC? All of a sudden, you had a post saying a beta will open in a few months and you could sign in.
I remember you, Mark Gerhard, made a post in february 2009 with 'The Future of RS'. You said you wanted to see Jagex more open to the players. I wonder why that didn't happen with EoC if you compare it how Jagex handled RS1-RS2
- Removal of Random Events. Yes, they did not have a purpose anymore with the bots out there. But you could do something else with them as you did with Old School RS. Or make a D&D or a minigame of them?

(see next post for continue)

20-Sep-2014 16:37:59



Posts: 584 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

- At this date, Agility has again lost its meaning. On RS1 it didn't really had a big meaning other than a bigger total. Since you can run, it restores energy faster, the higher your agility is. With the energy update, Agility went down, together with other energy replenishment* (potions, strange fruit, explorer's ring, musicians,...)
- Micro transactions. SoF/ treasure hunter and Solomon are a pain in the Gielinor's air. Yes, the crisis of 2008 may have had impact on Jagex as a company. And a company tries to survive. But you jagex once said real world trading wasn't allowed. I wonder what these 2 are... And why are you releasing a post about them on almost every week?
- Holiday events were killed.

But then again, we, the players are a kind of CEO too.
Pros on the players:
- Many are great to talk too. There is a good cummunity out there
- Without them, Jagex would probaply go down.

Cons on the players:
- Too much negativity towards many things, instead of giving possitive feedback on how it could be better (Yes, I sometimes give more negativity too)
- Way too much negativity towards Gerhard. Yes, he did some 'bad' updates, but he also did good updates. And as I listen, everyl ceo has good and bad points

Every CEO tries to do his best, but it's also up to us, the players, to give a plenty of possitive feedback towards them too!

After this long message, all I have to say is: Towards every jagex person, a big thank you for rs. And MMG, thank you for being with is for over 6 years and good luck in the future!

20-Sep-2014 16:38:18 - Last edited on 20-Sep-2014 16:43:34 by Kippendoder



Posts: 461 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
over all not a good grade,, dang it !!!! lol .. I can't seem to play the game. Been shut out, by some of your changes to the game. Impossible, for me to keep, a completion cape now!!! ty very much , sarcastic, sry.
As, I always try to say,, " it's all good !!!! looks like i'll prob leave soon too,,
Good luck on your future endeavors to include making a lot of money!!!!
I know you like money!!! perhaps too much? :) truely gl to you….

20-Sep-2014 19:13:52

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23-Sep-2014 23:44:58

Jun Member 2012


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Jimla said :
To be honest, it angers me that MMG is now abandoning ship after he single handedly destroyed so many important core values within this game. I can't help but compare him to an action movie hero, walking in slow-motion away from the explosion and blazing inferno he leaves behind him, probably looking pleased to himself.

I will always blame him for the Bonds system, which has allowed players to legally purchase gold and has become central to gameplay for hundreds of thousands of players all while greasing the wheels of the MTX machine, and for eradicating the concept of a fair & equal game experience for every player, instead creating a new era of RuneScape where there is so much disparity amongst the player base.

Success is most easily bought in modern RuneScape, and these days it's simply impossible to tell who legitimately played the game to get where they are, and who opted for the easy way out. I also think the impact of his actions run much deeper than we can see now, and will become apparent in future years as players continue to feel bored and unfulfilled with the game due to "EasyScape" robbing them of the actual game play experience, and of the concepts of hard work and reward. The Pay2Win game model has tainted the high scores beyond repair, and forever altered player's perceptions of one another.

I can only pray that Mod Pips is an intelligent, creative, and innovative individual, who has what it takes to steer RuneScape in the right direction once again, and who realizes that long-term success of a quality product and happy customers will inevitably trump the short term cash-cow pay outs that MMG opted for instead.

Congratulations to Mod Mark Gerhard for leaving a dark stain on RuneScape's history that will never be washed off. Good riddance!

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24-Sep-2014 12:14:45

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