- At this date, Agility has again lost its meaning. On RS1 it didn't really had a big meaning other than a bigger total. Since you can run, it restores energy faster, the higher your agility is. With the energy update, Agility went down, together with other energy replenishment* (potions, strange fruit, explorer's ring, musicians,...)
- Micro transactions. SoF/ treasure hunter and Solomon are a pain in the Gielinor's air. Yes, the crisis of 2008 may have had impact on Jagex as a company. And a company tries to survive. But you jagex once said real world trading wasn't allowed. I wonder what these 2 are... And why are you releasing a post about them on almost every week?
- Holiday events were killed.
But then again, we, the players are a kind of CEO too.
Pros on the players:
- Many are great to talk too. There is a good cummunity out there
- Without them, Jagex would probaply go down.
Cons on the players:
- Too much negativity towards many things, instead of giving possitive feedback on how it could be better (Yes, I sometimes give more negativity too)
- Way too much negativity towards Gerhard. Yes, he did some 'bad' updates, but he also did good updates. And as I listen, everyl ceo has good and bad points
Every CEO tries to do his best, but it's also up to us, the players, to give a plenty of possitive feedback towards them too!
After this long message, all I have to say is: Towards every jagex person, a big thank you for rs. And MMG, thank you for being with is for over 6 years and good luck in the future!
20-Sep-2014 16:38:18
- Last edited on
20-Sep-2014 16:43:34