I started Runescape only on 2009.
Despite all the changes I hung on. Sometimes the change was good sometimes..
well not so good.
One thing hasn't changed, the people in the game and their commitment to community.
The only thing we really achieve in game or build is friendships. The rest is all digital data. Thank you Jagex for continuing to build community. Clans, friends lists, group skilling..These are the things that really make the game count.
I have two major things that would make the game even greater....
1 a letter postal system for those of us who constantly miss friends in game.
2 omg bundle the changes. Do we really really need something every week updated or featured or promoted? Once a month would be great. Give some of us a chance to catch our breath and really learn and enjoy new content before adding more.
I really love reading the news but the daily twerking, adjusting, featuring, new special, or new creature is really starting to wear some of us down.
Trust us to enjoy the core game. We do love it.
Best wishes Mod MMG in your new endeavor. Mod Pip good luck I am rooting for you.
12-Sep-2014 15:54:48