My account was hacked recently and i had an authenticator.... It was removed because all the needed was my ******** to access my account through the website.. i noticed that it is not even asking me AT ALL when i go through the website, only when logged into the game itself. This is a big issue with me and I don't know where else to report it.
ALSO I haven't been on forums in a long time.. I noticed that we as players (or atleast me) cannot post our own threads anymore? So I would like to bring up *********... When i got my account back and i went to change the ******** it is NOT Case sensitive and DOES NOT allow special characters.
This upsets me very much, because I always try to use very strong ********* with anything I use. If we are not allowed to set *********... and you don't need an authenticator to remove the authenticator and what is the point?????
Thank you for your time and i look forward to your response.
25-Feb-2015 11:30:27