I am pleased to see that MMG has taken the time to post this information. Runescape has had it's ups and downs. I must admit that I stopped playing for a couple of years myself, sometimes with the fear of never returning. But I always found, at some point, something that brought me back to the game. As long-time player, comprehensive updates like the EOC and micropayments seemed quite intrusive to me. It took me some time to digest them.
Regardless of that, I have come to understand how micropayments are essential for maintaining the game alive while not raising the membership (which is actually good for those who don't like TH or Solomon's, for they still pay the lower membership price while not having to participate in micropayments involuntarily). Personally, EOC I quite enjoy! It gave a whole new vibe to combat for a skiller like me, and revived ranging and magic by balancing the combat triangle. It is also important to mention that Jagex is indeed trying hard to please those who dislike the new combat system (no need to elaborate on this).
Anyway, I believe that this is a great time for the Runescape community to enjoy the game more than ever. The Sixth Age has brought some amazing quests, World Events, and revelations that I had awaited for years! Some of the updates to come, like the Elf City and the Invention skill, sound more than promising. Runescape is ever-evolving; it is something characteristic of the most frequently updated MMORPG, and something that true RS players, for good or bad, need to grip their minds around. I can happily say that I have not ever, in all my years of playing, enjoyed this game as much as I am doing now.
Thanks for reading,
John of Troy
04-Apr-2014 22:12:08