A few words to reflect this last years achievements.
-I love the New interface of rs3.
-I love the fact that there are very few bots in game.
-Love bonds.
-Love the world events.
-loved the well of goodwill- gave the less fortunate our love and support, as well as acted as a money sink.
-Evolution of combat is not popular to the Runescape community- I miss the large community.
-Most of the pking community left for either Oldschool Runescape or left the game completely.
-The Pkers have been neglected in the Evolution of Combat.-runescape combat needs to be simple.
Hopefully a few things could be changed:
-maybe bring back delegated PVP worlds.
-Update to game client.
-Update to game engine.
-Devote this year to the pvp/pkers , instead of the year of the skiller.
--Domingo mon--