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Sweet. Well people are going to be angry over "Rwt" but oh well! It's the usual top three whining comments as follows every time they have a squeal or Solomon update.
1) Oh great another Squeal/Solomon update.
2) When will Jagex learn no one wants these?
3) [Insert RWT comment here.]
- Yes another update. Posting about it won't change it.
- Obviously the players /do/ want it otherwise we wouldn't see more.
- Give me a break, it is like saying Jagex isn't allowed to play Runescape.
I don't see people complain when a store offers something before a holiday or Black Friday or when a new movie is released. God forbid Jagex can offer something before/after they release new content.
We had bots forever, because players bought gold. It encouraged botting. So if enough people want something, it will remain. Hence the Squeal and hence Solomon's and hence bonds now. Duh duh duh and duh.
It's Jagex's game, they made it, they can sell what they want to sell. Be grateful they haven't sold items for real money yet like that Torva you own? They could very well and just as easily sell that for so much IRL money. So whine about something else if your bandwagoning mind is capable.
I'm with you buddy, theres too many complainers on the forums these days.
Just for the record I have never actually bought any spins, but I do make use of the free ones I get every day. I'm neutral about the promotions, but I do think that if people hate them they should just not participate in them and stop ripping on Jagex like a bunch of petty ingrates.
04-Oct-2013 16:28:52