
Update on Service Disruptions

Quick find code: 294-295-293-65202916



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Roadrage158 said :
Evil_J35u5 said :
Roadrage158 said :
God, doesnt anyone seem to call Bs on this? seems like everyone is kissing up to jagex.
If a company can't keep some severs up i find that illogical that a couple of guys could ddos a whole company, a company that should have the wealth to maintain some decent severs.

More RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE from the lacking-reading-and-comprehension-skills department.

Lookie here, a jagex fanboy.

either your ignorant or just not very smart.

If jagex has millions of dollars from membership and SOF/SGS AND has over 100+ severs, THEY SHOULD be able to run some severs, if not they should remove some.
Look right now, about 200-300 on each sever. Easy way to prevent DDoS'ers just delete some severs or with the resources, get a special team dedicated to maintaing the severs.

Jagex is no CIA or Apple, so i have little sympathy for them scaring off their customers, in essence i believe who ever is attacking jagex is doing some good, maybe jagex will wake up and start spending money on game stability.

Your ignorance regarding networked systems is astounding, and your lack of understanding regarding anything of value is incredible. Please, tell me more.

07-Nov-2013 01:40:49 - Last edited on 07-Nov-2013 01:41:15 by Evil_J35u5



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"The sharp increase in attacks does tie closely with [the introduction of EoC]."


Also, what about Vorago? Massive DDoS attack by Jagex themselves? Are these DDoS just attacks from grumpy Jagex employees?

07-Nov-2013 01:47:37 - Last edited on 07-Nov-2013 01:50:18 by PAT-LAUGH



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F-O said :
Thank you for this! Will the changes affect OSRS too?

I don't work for Jagex and don't know much about DDoSing, but I do know that fixing this will definitely also fix OSRS connection issues as well. They are both different games, but they both use servers. So yes, it will fix OSRS servers as well as RS3.

07-Nov-2013 02:56:14

NZ Sheeps
Dec Member 2018

NZ Sheeps

Posts: 10,342 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sorry for the delay in answering (I've been popping in during coffee breaks).

Evil_J35u5 said :
I'm not going to get into a 'made up stats' match here, but over the lifetime of any subscription-based service, there are going to be peaks and valleys. It's been well-documented that the biggest chunk of players who are no longer online were bots. Believe it or don't, it's up to you.

I believe the biggest chunk of players online WERE bots, but MMG and Jacmob have confirmed that the game has been relatively bot-free for the last few months, yet the membership numbers keep declining. If it is 'a valley' then we haven't found the bottom yet.

Evil_J35u5 said :
Secondly, why would they invest millions of pounds in infrastructure on an intellectual property that, as a service, is still quite profitable? Beats the hell out of me.

'Profitable' is a relative term. To 31/12/12 they made 24 million pounds in gross profit (and then 14 million went to administrative expenses to make 9.7 million operating profit). That was when they had a LOT more members (whether they were bots or not, they still paid memberships). I honestly believe that the post-EoC financial reports won't be quite so rosy.

Ultimately for me it boils down to a question of trust and MMG has been 'creative with the truth' too many times for me to take anything he says at face value any more.

I'm not saying that the recent server issues weren't partially DDoS related, but I know that the NZ server has had DC issues when the Digital Attack Map doesn't show any signifant NZ attacks since 30 June - and that was a staggering 10,000 Mbps for 4 hours (for reference for non-techies, America gets 100 times that amount constantly on a quiet day).

As someone earlier also pointed out, it's strange that the DDoS attacks seem to coincide with new content (e.g, Vorago).

07-Nov-2013 03:02:18 - Last edited on 07-Nov-2013 03:03:31 by NZ Sheeps

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