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Glowing Dim: As a fellow Dutch guy, I hope to see you have more flexibillity in your brain then what you just have showed. Thank you.
Mittani, Those bugs you mean, INCLUDING that misuse, were not known when the EOC was released. That means, that they had not fixed it when it was released.
On the contrary.
You do realize that Dominion Tower was available during the Beta, yes? A friend of mine is an avid nolifer in the tower - he has mentioned the need for a nerf in Resonance against special boss moves since it has been released. Needless to say, no one really paid attention.
Seems like jagex didn't find it necessary to nerf that abillity then.
And, to get back on your statement about cursing: Scroll back 4-6 pages. then you know that you were wrong.
I'm sorry, would you be kind enough to post this "statement about cursing"? RuneScape forum is not the smoothest of forums to go archive-searching, especially with a slow connection. As far as I know, I have not stated anything about cursing.
Although I do admit my memory has been a tad tipsy of late.
28-Aug-2013 13:38:10