This is seriously the response from the community? Whining because the developers aren't perfect? But who am I to say who is and who isn't out of line? You guys have all run gaming companies before, right? You've all had experience in that field and can say 100% certain that no one should have any problems ever for any reason because technology is flawless and good, honest, HUMAN people don't make mistakes, right?
God, you people are acting like children!
I, for one, am grateful that they're doing it to begin with and that they're bothering to tell us there's a delay at all. You act like they don't care about you or anyone else, but you ignorants wouldn't even BEGIN to know what it's like to deal with a company that /REALLY/ doesn't care for it's players. You people wouldn't last a day in that life.
So thank you, Jagex, for letting us know that there was a problem and that there will be a delay. We know you're working hard to resolve the issue and I, for one, am very appreciative of the fact that you took the time to give us a status update on the situation.
28-Aug-2013 04:16:53