Awesome! I can't wait for the xmas event this year! Mod Osbourne is looking very blue this christmas
but he makes a very convincing santa clause! haha Merry Christmas to Jagex and the RuneScape Community!
Looks like it's going to be great one this Christmas! It's good to finally see a holiday event that goes along with the traditional quest-like structure we had previously, with a few bonuses added in here and there. And it will feel good to help out our poor old strays (they look so cute in antlers!)
And to protect the Stone until such a time as, near to death, whereby you are relieved of all duties and shall henceforth be returned to your home plane with the gratitude and blessings of Guthix.
Hopefully though for Christmas I can get my completionist cape but I don't think Jagex will have the glitched World Gorger back into dungeon by then or other comp. requirements like saga fixed everyone has been waiting to be fixed for a month :/. A sad christmas being stuck from the comp. cape
Looks like a great event however atleast make half the rewards available for f2p and not like Halloween where all we got was a cape. Please return back to the OLD holiday event style where the rewards are for everyone. Holiday events are for everyone and so should the rewards be too.