We should have free santa hats so even the poor players can dress up like santa, but maybe untradable hats that u can claim from diango .. maybe blue santa hats
The reason your videos are getting more likes than dislikes again is that most of your non-botting players have quit after EoC and don't waste time disliking your videos anymore because you will never fix the game, but you continue to fk it up worse and worse with SoRWT updates, bonus XP events, double drops and other desperate attempts to bribe people to play your game.
This event looks fantastic! This is going to be my first christmas on runescape.
The pass the parcel drops look awesome. I am hoping that the snow balls are released for f2p and p2p.
The doggies finally get a awesome home! I have a Terrier on runescape. What is cool, is a kind player gave me 200k worth of beef to feed my dog. He is mine and Terry the terriers santa. He made our christmas*****;3
Also, Evolution of Combat is a fresh change. It is different but I think is is a well deserved update. I simply came back to runescape because of it.
Haters gonna hate. There are still continuous fans out there who support Jagex.
I would love to see multiple pet followers
All in alll, Merry Christmas to you Jagex. You have made me, Mackers, Terry the terrier and *atness the cat a very happy family on runescape.