Ok after playing, I like it for the most part, haha, expect to get that right. I like the hover over stats for equipment, like the run animation, but have heard if you have low agile, run it is a dramatically decrease in speed. I was also shocked run went away in deep wild.. I moved very slowely in 47 wild. and thanks for the reload of character thing! =)
I love everything about the melee updates so far. I haven't played with 2h much yet and have nothing to compare on gs, haven't ever used one much.
Hope the chat thing is fixed in normal release, has been painful to chat with clan members while testing.
Oh, on the outfit total lvl: I like the idea, but having to eat everytime you switch an outfit is obnoxious. This kills the idea of hybriders.
I agree with a lot of the npc out of whack lvls and attacks, I perticularly don't like all dragons having magic, we have brutals for that, and demons were suposidly randomly week to magic in all records, yet weild it now.. Just saying.
All animations have been killer to me, I think the wrists could be a little thicker to compisate for the hands though. I like the stager step for home tele, honest have enjoyed all the new animation =D.
Ok on range: haven't tried long or short bow, or crossbow yet, but have done knives and darts, and AWESOME! This hase been fun to play with.
I like how you use the bar to use specials that boost adrenaline.
On magic: I think this just got stepped on. Hits are very reduced, specials are lacking compared to the rest of the other two skills. I haven't been a great mager, but even for what I have experienced.. this seems very unbalanced. I fealt seriously the joke you all say of volley after volley instead of something I could enjoy. Ok things may be graphicaly awesome about it, but combat wise it seems mute and pointless now.
Over all I like a lot of the beta proposed things. But, yes, I do agree with others that many things are "off" for some reason or another.
28-Jun-2012 00:21:15