Now, what I have heard about the increased life points thing makes me worry. Also I have been hearing many people talking about how hard it was to kill NPC's even with the new abilities. I do not like the sound of it at all. Makes my teeth itch. Let me inquire of you this-What is the point of adding all these new fancy attack styles that dole of good damage if you are just going to increase the hp's of everything? That counter balances the so called combat abilities. Your not making combat any easier. Sounds about as useful as thermal underwear in Death valley at high noon.
Here is what I think it should all be about- Expanding the existing combat attack styles. For instance, instead of simply setting your weapon to "stab" for accuracy or "slash" for harder hits but less often, you have tab abilities like "power strike"(Hit harder) and "armor pierce"(accurate) which substitute for the plain old- stab, stab, stab, stab afk mode. Mixed in with said "normal" attack modes you have what replace the special attacks of various weapons, I.E "Special attack modes" which have various effects just like the weapons do now. No need to change the LP/HP.
I am not great at communication so I may not be getting my point across here. Or making any sense.
One of my main questions has to do with the "offhand weapons." I can see in some cases needing a specific weapon to go with another, but are they all like that? I hope not. Or can you just have two plain old D scimitars in your hands, not "Dragon scimitar" and "Offhand Dragon scimitar" or "Rune crossbow" and "Offhand Rune crossbow", why not "Rune crossbow" and "Rune crossbow"? How exactly does that work would someone please tell me? I do not know because I am not in the beta.
27-Jun-2012 00:04:45
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27-Jun-2012 00:06:16