Feedback Time.
Personally, I don't like the new combat. It seemed very unbalanced, and the fact I'm a level 120 that got owned by a guard dog while wearing full bandos is proof. I'll go over the main points of what I gathered while playing.
Why does my Korasi suck so bad? Battle power of 5? I worked hard for that weapon, just to have it turn into a piece of junk?
A lot of weapons are now useless, like claws, korasi, dragon daggers... basically anything that doesn't hit high without a special attack. The point of getting those weapons are for the specials.
Unbalanced abilities. I find it awesome how I use the level 1 dragonbreathe spell and hit more with it than I do an ultimate ability.
Confusing combat. One thing I loved about Runescape was simple combat. Click and go, not having to worry about constantly doing something. Runescape was a game everyone could play, not just gamers who have 662 APM. Now it consists of randomly mashing my number keys to do stuff, and then just using dragonbreathe because it's the only thing that ever works right.
If this turns out to be the only combat in RS, I'll definitely be quitting. It's not Runescape, it's more like WoW, and I hate WoW. Please, for the love of Chtulu, make separate severs for the new combat, reading all the posts, it seems a lot of people don't really like it. I understand you put a lot of time, effort and money into it.. but if you make it the only option, you're just gonna lose more than you spent for sure.
08-Jul-2012 18:18:24