You guys have a highly intelligent staff, im sure you can find away to make this work for everyone?? like implement some of the new updates an toss others! the new hp boost with armor will be so confusing..Jad is same level as a black demon! how is that a challenge? thats misleading, theres no skill anymore! all these new hits are confusing an lame! but multi cb sooooooo dumb! why would you even think of that? did you guys really even think this through?? or did you just brain storm out of a hat, an say okay make it! its not awesome! an not cool! you should change the name to GoonScape! cause i feel like a total tool playing this beta. IF I OFFEND ANYONE WITH THESE POSTS I SINCERELY APOLOGIZE, JUST VOICING MY OPINION, AN I MEAN NO DISRESPECT...but seriously jagex, think of your players please, i've seen way more people dislike this update, then there is people who do like it..we voted about majority rule for free trading an wildy back, an you guys came to your sense an listened! that was a day to remember. now your just ruining it all over again! you should concentrate on the bots! they are ruining your game, not the way the game looks or functions...just give us a listen an make a right decision, you are not runescape! WE THE PLAYERS ARE RUNESCAPE!!!! AN WE SHOULD DECIDE WHAT HAPPENS TO OUR GAME! WE MIGHT NOT HAVE CREATED THE GAME, BUT WE SURE AS DAMN HELL MADE THE GAME WHAT IT IS! IF IT WEREN'T FOR US, YOU'D HAVE NOTHING, NOW DO US THE FAVOR, AN GIVE US WHATS OURS! !!
06-Jul-2012 13:24:19