Ok, well I know the beta is still young yet, and that there is a long way to go with it, here is what I think of it so far.
Combat System: I think overall it is an awesome idea, it makes the game more Involved, Like you are actually in control of the attacks, not just clicking on something and sitting back and watch. But, I do believe that some special attacks of weapons should remain, Like the Godswords, So many people love those for what they are and do. like the BGS, a big part of why that gets used is because of the defense lowering special. the SGS, again, a bit part is the healing and prayer restoring aspect of the special. and of course the AGS, the shear hit capability of that special is why it is so appealing. and even the ZGS, the freezing capability of that makes it usefull in certain situations.
Ability Book/ Spell Book: I think that the spell book should remain seperate, You stated that you wanted to make it easier to use, but this in fact makes teleporting and selecting the spell harder.
Combat XP nerf: I completely think this is a bad idea and will really hurt the game overall. I understand that you want people to try and fight monsters their level, but when you get so high theres not much more you can fight except for the boss monsters over and over again, and lets face it, nobody fights those for XP. I don't think that higher levels should be penalized in combat XP because they got a lower level monster on say a slayer task or something like that. This update will not have the effect that you desire I don't think. A lot of people don't just do slayer just for the slayer XP, but also the combat XP off of those monsters, because many are really good XP.
Equipment Stats: I do actually like the life point boosts of the equipment, but I think you need to keep a lot of the other stats for them, Like prayer bonus's, and how certain armour is better defense against another form of combat then others, otherwise a lot of armour will become forgotten.
30-Jun-2012 22:43:10