I WILL Get to my CONSTRUCTIVE critisism on the things I love and not so love about the new beta and maybe better alternatives. First lets talk about the wineing. Ok guys saying u "hate the beta" and "don't do it jagex" isn't going to help anything. This update will come out. God knows how much time and money jagex have put into this, and they aren't going to throw that in the toilet for people who 1. haven't even tried but hate the beta, 2. tried it for maybe an hour suck at it cause it's not just simple clicks that a gerbil can do or 3. people who hear "change" and think "ruin". NO I don't like all of thier changes either but without change there would be no RS at all, it would have died a long time ago. I would rather have changing RS than no RS at all. If u kindly disagree u'r welcome to quit, there will always be new players to replace u. So the best thing u can do is either Try and explain what u don't like or what's more suited for u in DETAIL (i.e. not saying "it sucks" ). JAGEX, I'm well aware this is beta and that things can change, this is what this post is all about. Helping u guys out in a way that is productive. Now with that out the way let's get to the good stuff shall we?
Things I Do Not Like:
1. The combat level. This is a less clear Representation of a players ability. I'v spent a few hours in duel arena and fought some lvl 200s that I slaughter and some that give me a challenge, and I'v even seen lvl 195+ with an untrimed skill cape? Now how fair is that considering I'm maxed combat (99 att, str, def, hp, range, mage summon, and pray) and im only 5 lvls higher? I also think if at the least pray should affect combat lvl And all stats should evenly or close to evenly affect cb lvl like it use to.
30-Jun-2012 16:46:19
- Last edited on
30-Jun-2012 18:22:20
Ronin Shogun