Jeez-please stop whining guys, it is going to come in some form or other, so get used to it. Also can the 'I didn't get in' guys please stop saying 'it was only a few days', yes it was, and it is only a few days before you can play the beta on the w/e. At least you CAN play the game, there are a lot of people that cannot! They are having issues with logging in, white/black screening and basically just being shut out of or thrown out the game, they would like to play RS too, in any shape or form! Jagex, please sort these issues before adding/changing the content of the game.
That said I am loving the beta, it is a lot of fun, thank you Jagex for inviting me. It took me a few days to get used to the new action bar, but it is awesome!
P.S. Those dicers/flower people, so annoying! Also the issue of life points drop, why??
30-Jun-2012 03:56:52