first, nice that i can try the beta ,)
- The adrenaline is fun, it give you more reason to keep going when you are on a roll, and the ultimates are awesome, because of them draining all your adrenaline, you can't keep going with em and you got to rebuild it.
- The offhand swords and bows are incredible, in most games i play dual wield, i love high dps and fast hits (being at the cost of defence i take it). Though if the chaotic offhands are going to cost 200k each, they are incredibly expensive, i'd love to have double cls and double cxbow, but it'll take a very long time (and although i haven't tried it i heard dungeoneering is much harder with the update) which is bad ,/
- Ranging: where do i begin, i'm seriously considering just ranging for the rest of my rs days, the skills are awesome and pretty overpowerd.
- The regenerate skill, just awesome, very good when bossing in a team, when u don't get to that ultimate anyway, or when your are just slaying, just keeps you going, you don't need any food anymore xD
- Mage is underpowered, range is so cool now with the AoE hits, and melee with enough skills to keep up, mage really drags behind ;/
- The lvl requirement of most of those awesome skills seems soo low, they could be higher imo, or more lvl-based.
- The increased hitpoints and the fact that it takes at least twice as long to kill most monsters, and you can't afk them, which is fun when you are doing boring slayer tasks ;/.
- The combat lvl upgrade, not necessary imo, just don't like it, don't see why we need it
- The armor giving extra health, all good like in many games, but in rs you do quit a lot of activities without armor, and when you put it on you feel like you are one hit away from certain death
that's all for now, hope it helps
28-Jun-2012 22:07:36