1. Dual arena: Right now that's pretty much dead content, I hope you've made it more fun (please xp based on damage not monster) NOTE: whoever that idiot who had full torva and a Zamorak godsword should be put to death for going against Zaros, the one true lord.
2. Html5: Looks amazing, although as you said the colors are boring, and I for one want it to stay that way. IT WAS DULL IN MEDEIVAL TIMES.
3. Next BTS: That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. If I understand you correctly, you have three quests, already ready to go, but are only implementing the one that gets the most votes? That is TRULY stupid, just add them all and everyone will be happy. It would be good to see some actual content be added, not just more micro transaction crap.
12-Apr-2013 22:04:07