Jagex, you all really do get stuck in a rut, don't you?
Day after day, week after week, and you still fail to understand your players.
Last year it was beating us over the head with microtransactions the first half, and EoC the second.
Now, this year the same is being done with 'ALL NEW AND IMPROVED GRAPHICS AND AUDIO'!!!!! Except we're still trying to play a game in a mess from where you've left EoC dangling.
Do you not get that no matter how good it looks and sounds, at the end of the day, the game makes or breaks based on GAMEPLAY? Or do you just not want to hear it? Because I know I'm not the only one saying this.
Five months down the road we're still waiting for our levels to mean something for our combat again. Armours and weapons of the same tier have lost their uniqueness, and utility, and look never to be getting them back. Just two examples, out of many, of EoC's broken mechanics we're still dealing with.
Looking ahead? Two new skills were mentioned coming this year (2!). April, and no mention of those anymore! Again, just one example of something potentially exciting we're no longer hearing about. As we continue to be inundated by propaganda trying desperately to convince us of the wonders of HTML5 and RS3.
I'm tired of seeing all the wasted time and money on the videos and new licks of paint with every update in game, when the game I play STILL SUCKS compared to what it did!
I could go on and on about what you're doing wrong. At least half your playerbase agrees: they're certainly not playing OS for graphics or audio! Yet you charge blindly on. Full speed ahead. Never mind the glacier of player discontent that will sink your Titanic.
Get it together. Soon.
14-Apr-2013 17:05:41