Good day fellow runescapers and jagex ltd.
today i've read this news thread about the new in-game item called " Flaming Skull "
as soon when i read the news thread i clicked on " Store Locator ".
i saw that the 90 day membership card was available in the netherlands, at the store named bart smit, As soon as i found that out i went to the store and bought myself a 90 day membership card.
But when i redeemed my code... I never recieved any Flaming Skull.
I see that there are some countries listed above, but does that say if two players had bought the exact same card that just only one player in the Right country listed above will recieve the flaming skull? i think that is really unfair against the loyal players about me..
The store is located in the netherlands, the 90 day membership card is not diffrent then the card in one of the countries listed above...
I would really hope i am able to recieve the "Flaming Skull" after this,
because i payed €22.50 Real life valutas ( Just as the other players who actually recieved the skull. )
and i think it will be fair if i also would recieve the flaming skull on my account.
Cheers, your loyal rs veteran..
22-Jun-2012 17:43:45