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Have you guys done anything about multiple story buildings?
In most areas, when you or another player goes up a ladder, or stairs, you really can't see them up there. its like they've disappeared. its like the "second story" is it's own little world. But some areas in Castle wars you're able to stand on top of a wall, and see the people below. Are you planning on fixing this in Rs3? maybe make stairs more realistic, where we actually see players going up and down them, and have the ability to see out windows at the people on the ground below, or to be able to stand in the Lumbridge castle courtyard and watch as somebody atop the castle erects the flag. I believe an update like this would improve the appearance of the game, as well as enrich the gameplay and possibly have an interesting effect on pvp (i.e. using range or mage to attack somebody above/below you) making the game MUCH more realistic. This is something I, and I believe a lot of other players would enjoy seeing implemented into the game.
Any thoughts on this Jagex?
(Now that I think of it, it's also a feature already used in pest control)
I do recall not too many years ago that this was an option in the graphical settings. And it was not around very long, and if i recall it only worked for 1 level difference between two stories....I think they may have removed it because of potential lag issues? I don't know but, I miss that. it was one of those things like sleeping bags. They played around with it and then the idea vanished into the aether it seemed.
17-Apr-2013 10:42:26