1) Saradomin or Armadyl. Probably Saradomin
2) They seem to have good agendas, I want to kill Bandos, Zamorak, and Sliske, I don't like Zaros' 'ends justify means' philosophy, Guthix is dead (and therefore I can't support him), and the godless faction sounds difficult, volatile, and anarchic. I haven't heard their case yet, but I don't think that getting rid of all the gods is a bad thing. When Bandos, Sliske, and Zamorak are dead, then I'll decide whether to get rid of Zaros, Armadyl, Saradomin and the rest.
Seren I don't know enough about, therefore I decided to go for something more familiar.
And Saradomin and Armadyl have the best color schemes. Period.
3) I intend to go for what is right, and support any god(s) trying to do likewise. If I go without a god's aid to do so, then so be it.
Oh, this is going to be fun.
28-May-2013 18:04:24